MaterialsCare specializes in printing from pure titanium with the use of SLM technology, but also has the know-how for printing from most metals and even some metal-ceramic composites. We provide help for companies that use various 3D printing technologies to develop process parameters for manufacturing elements using new materials. We develop 3D printing process parameters even for materials that are not offered nor recommended by producers of printers! We provide Selective Laser Melting (SLM) printing services as well as consulting in all 3D printing technologies from metals (SLM, DMLS, EBM, DMD, etc.) and polymers (SLS, FDM, FFF, etc.). We also design extensive post-processing for all 3D printing technologies.
MaterialsCare offers heat treatment of metallic elements as well as cleaning the surface of unmelted powder particles using mechanical and chemical methods. We provide characterization of the surface and structure of printed details. We offer the possibility of comparing printed material properties with ISO/ASTM standards. There is no problem in 3D printing with metals and polymers that we will not solve!
Metal 3D printing and post-processing